I have vivid memories of getting in the car as a student, ripping open the envelope and going straight to the result section. At 11 years old, I did my grade 4 ballet exam. I scanned down to the result and looked at the big tick in the box right in the middle. A Merit.
Not a Distinction, not a Pass but right in that middle ground – a Merit. With a score of 78.
‘’78… 78!!!!!???’’ my brain was whirring around…. 78!!! I was only 2 points off 80 and a mark of 80 would have given me the elusive Distinction I so desperately sought!! For a good hour after that tearing of the envelope I sat re-counting all my points; surely there was an extra 2 in there that someone had missed.
Reading your dance exam results correctly
Students at Dance Division do their exams through the Southern Federation of Dance syllabus. It’s not dissimilar to RAD which I studied however the marking system is a little different. SFD don’t give a number mark. Students instead receive a Commended or Highly Commended, with an indication that they received between 70-79 or 80-89 depending. I much prefer this style of marking, as it means we are less likely to have 11-year old’s counting up their marks!!
It’s so important to not just skip down the bottom of that page and look at the result. Yes, take it on board, but READ your exam report thoroughly to understand where you excelled and where you may have some things to work on. Southern Federation give a tonne of feedback. Each exercise is listed so you know exactly what might need a bit more practice. It might be something as simple as ‘try not to look at the ground’, or ‘try for a softer arm line in that arabesque’.
Teacher feedback
Every year I like to take the time to chat to my students about exam results. There are so many factors that go into the final result and I want them to truly understand that. I don’t ever want them to feel disappointed but so much of the time they are – even when they have done really well!! There’s a perfectionist tendency, which is quite alarming and it certainly doesn’t come from me, nor from the parents that I know. I think we are simply living in a society and an era that puts increasing pressure on itself to be the best ALL the time at EVERYTHING.
So when exam results do come back, we sit down as a class and have a chat. Maybe it’s a level 1 class and this was their first exam. We were all really nervous and maybe we forgot to smile or point our feet as hard as we could… but that’s ok because it is the first exam and we were super brave to do the exam, and we should all be really proud of ourselves for doing it!
Maybe we’re at level 3 now and at level 3 your teacher can’t come into the exam room with you anymore. So, it’s a little bit scarier because you have to try and remember all your steps without any help. It’s possible we might have gone the wrong way on that exercise or done the wrong arm, but that’s ok too because the examiner understands that it can be tricky and we all make mistakes. Level 3 work is also quite a bit harder than level 2, with lots of new technique to remember. So sometimes we just need to practice a certain step a little bit more to really get that looking great. But we talk about it constructively and know we can work towards that strength and technique in level 4!
Or maybe when chatting with the Level 7 students, we’re aware that our bodies aren’t quite the same as they used to be, so we’ve had to learn better ways to work with all these new things that we’re still feeling at odds with.
Most importantly, I urge everyone to be proud – for taking the exam and working so hard all year. Being the best version of ourselves is all that I can ask and all that the students should want.
And now – it’s time to say goodbye to exam work and enjoy another fantastic concert!!
Mon - Fri 15:30 - 21:00
Saturday 8:45 - 11:30
Sunday Closed